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Hace 1 año
His FratX scenes are awesome. I immediately found him incredibly interesting and sexy when I first saw him in a FratX video. Regarding MEN I"d say his perfect match was Johnny Rapid. But my fav scene is his bang with Jordan Levine called Bro in the Streets, Ho in the Sheets Part #3. When Jordan fucked Jake hard in the throat and Jake had to gag intensely and loudly several times, it made me extremely horny. I love Jake"s unique face. It"s simply enthralling. His nips are cute. His body is amazing and his ass is a masterpiece. So juicy. So rim and fuckable. I definitely want rough sex with Jake. Great bottom. 🔥🐷
Hace 1 año
Name should be Jake Ashford, not Jae Ashford
Hace 4 años
Gostoso esse ator